Jumat, 06 Agustus 2010

Senior High School

now I am a part of SMAN 28 Jakarta 2013. not SMPN 85 Jakarta 2010 anymore. okay, let's we start a new life here. my new class is X 4, with "sakurta 'kipli' ginting" there hahaha. I haven't a chairmate yet. oh it's terrible. how suram I am there-_- my playmate there is donna, fadhilah, nanda and talitha. it's hard for me to start a new greeting. it looks easy, but actually it's not easy yet. and you know? I sit at the first line! wow, but it's better than I sit at the last line I think. my chairman is yos, and his vice is his chairmate, dadan. actually they are not too good to be a chairman and the vice I think. but most of X 4 vote them-_- I didn't, I prefer nana. but she just got two vote. errr... there's one two person that haven't come. they are Irsyad (m) and Dhimar (f). I guess Irsyad chose the other school, cause he never come to 28 yet. and Dhimar, she has been umrah. at first, I guess she is a boy, but donna said she is a girl! horraaay it means I'll get a chairmate :) wish she'll be nice and want to be my chairmate! OMG I had no spirit when I went to school. I still miss yourhead. he still my special one. why are you not continue at 28 shs, huh?-_- disappointed me. errr forget it. yesterday, I got a homework, it was biology. and I stressed when I knew that I have to do that with english. with essay! oh WTF.

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