Sabtu, 14 Agustus 2010

Cool Sibling!

hey they both have a cool voice! I like it very much. emm and you gamal, you look charming here haha. oh I'm so in love with you two cool sibling! you make me addicted with this song for sure :)

Jumat, 06 Agustus 2010

Senior High School

now I am a part of SMAN 28 Jakarta 2013. not SMPN 85 Jakarta 2010 anymore. okay, let's we start a new life here. my new class is X 4, with "sakurta 'kipli' ginting" there hahaha. I haven't a chairmate yet. oh it's terrible. how suram I am there-_- my playmate there is donna, fadhilah, nanda and talitha. it's hard for me to start a new greeting. it looks easy, but actually it's not easy yet. and you know? I sit at the first line! wow, but it's better than I sit at the last line I think. my chairman is yos, and his vice is his chairmate, dadan. actually they are not too good to be a chairman and the vice I think. but most of X 4 vote them-_- I didn't, I prefer nana. but she just got two vote. errr... there's one two person that haven't come. they are Irsyad (m) and Dhimar (f). I guess Irsyad chose the other school, cause he never come to 28 yet. and Dhimar, she has been umrah. at first, I guess she is a boy, but donna said she is a girl! horraaay it means I'll get a chairmate :) wish she'll be nice and want to be my chairmate! OMG I had no spirit when I went to school. I still miss yourhead. he still my special one. why are you not continue at 28 shs, huh?-_- disappointed me. errr forget it. yesterday, I got a homework, it was biology. and I stressed when I knew that I have to do that with english. with essay! oh WTF.

Rabu, 04 Agustus 2010

I'm Stuck

I am nothing
I am useless
I am a disturber
I am a sucker
I never know when
I never know why
it just flow... naturally
every time I see you
you just stuck in my mind
you just fly free there
and I can't stop it
then I realized something
I guess I'm really in love with you
I just addicted to you
you make me high
you make me have a new spirit
you make me happy
even though you never be something in my life
but you always be my special kind of someone for me
I used to keep you in my mind
because I used to believe you
I used to wish for miracles
but it never come
my dreams never come true
I know it
I won't dreaming and wishing some thing too much
I still believe about miracle
but I don't believe it'll come true
just wishes
wishes that never granted