Jumat, 21 Oktober 2011

David Guetta feat Usher - Without You

I can't win, I can't reign
I will never win this game
Without you, without you

I am lost, I am vain,  
I will never be the same
Without you, without you

I won't run, I won't fly  
I will never make it by
Without you, without you

I can't rest, I can't fight  
All I need is you and I
Without you Without you

Can't erase, so I'll take blame  
But I can't accept that we're estranged
Without you, without you  

I can't quit now, this can't be right  
I can't take one more sleepless night
Without you, without you

I won't soar, I won't climb  
If you're not here, I'm paralyzed  
Without you, without you

I can't look, I'm so blind  
I lost my heart, I lost my mind
Without you, without you

I am lost, I am vain
I will never be the same 
Without you, without you

Kamis, 23 Desember 2010

Busy Holiday Week

it's the day when me and the other UK-ers came and attend pengukuhan @our school. it's very very tired but I think it makes us became closer. one thing that makes me hmm how it feels? my charger was disappeared with the atribut's plastic including my big name tag. ugh shit.

on tuesday, I went to vanessa's house with linda, puni, and lavi. and then we went to citos at 11 a.m. we met zata first, then we ate @ramen 38. it's my recommendation, because I haven't taste ramen :p I ordered..... *forget* that's which has condensed kuah. its kuah was tasty, I like that :9 but I think its noodle is like..... mie ayam :/

after eating, we were going to cinema 21. we bought tickets for watching narnia 3. hmm but I think the first narnia was more interesting than that. after watching at cinema, we went out from citos and agreed  to went to lavi's house. before we arrived, we borrowed some dvds @ultra cinere. most of them were horror movies o_o

I went home first to took a bath and brought clothes. fyi, my house is near, so I went home first. after that I went to lavi's house. there, we watched dvds until night. we scream together when we watched the ring 1 and 2. in the middle of both movies, we watched barbie, lol. we watched that until the end! the last, we watched saw 3. but it was too sadistic, and I'm not brave enough. so, it's better if I slept.

I've took a sleep at 1.30 a.m. and I woke up at 6 a.m. to pray. after that I slept again until 8 a.m. I found that my cellphone was vibrating. there was a message that told there was saman training at dhea's house at 9 a.m. ughhh... I called venny and agreed to went together. *udah ya capek sok english -_-* sebelum ke rumah dhea, kita nunggu yang lain dulu di halte depan sekolah. trus baru kita ke rumah dhea deh, jalan kita ke sananya soalnya deket kan. trus nyampe rumah dhea, gue++ baru tau kalo mesti bawa seragam karna kita mau foto satu team. hmm..... trus gue++ juga baru tau kalo hari ini diajakin latihan di dojo (sebelah gor bulungan) sama kaka kelas 11nya. yaudah mau gamau, siap ga siap deh, kapan lagi bisa latihan di sana? nah, di rumah dhea, kita sempet latihan beberapa kali. dan kita makan dulu, hmm kerupuknya enak! makanannya juga enak, tapi pada doyan kerupuknya loh apalagi mutia :p

kita pun caw dari rumah dhea jam 10an dan nyampe gor jam 12! untung kita masih bisa latihan 1 jam. hmm, kirain sama abang, gataunya kita latihan sendiri toh, ooh. tapi sama kaka kelas sih, trus ada kacanya lagi haha. abis latihan saman, gue tadinya mau ke sevel, tapi gajadi soalnya... bingung. gue akhirnya memutuskan beli minum di gor. mahaaaal gue beli pocari 6000 *emang berapa aslinya? tapi susu ultra aja 5000 masa :O* trus gue juga beli kue cubit 5000 di depan gor. abis itu kita (gue, dini, eka, venny, nona, nadia, almas) naik mobilnya ica (almas) yang honda jazz itu. bisa ngebayangin posisi kita? ica di depan, trus sisanya di belakang. gue, venny, nona sama nadia pun turun di 28 buat sholat zuhur. yang lain udah pada turun duluan. di 28 kita ketemu asma deh~ nah udah kita sholat, eh ujan. yaudah tungguin lah sampe reda. udah reda, eh udah jam 3an. alhasil venny nona sama nadia gajadi nonton di penvill. akhirnya kita semua ke penvill buat makan, doang. sampe penvill kita ke basement buat cari tempat makan yg enak&murah. kita pun bergalau ria mau makan apa. udah galau2 eh gajadi kita ke solaria aja deh. nyampe solaria... ah penuh bangeeeet! kita pun menemukan ada baso lap. tembak di depannya hehehe akhirnya kita makan disitu deeeh~ di sana kita juga ngobrol2 gitudeeeh. abis selesai makan kita pulaaang. babay~

kemaren kita janjian mau latihan hari ini di rumah marwah. rumahnya sih ga jauh di lebak bulus. tapi ah gile pagi banget jam 7 masa. tapi akhir2nya gue baru bangun jam 7-_- siap2 sebentar trus nyampe jam 8 deh. udah nyampe, baru pada mulai latihan. gue langsung jb ke barisan deh haha. nah udah berapa kali latihan, kita nungguin ica deh sambil ngobrol2. jam 10an akhirnyan ica dateng dari rumahnya yang di bekasi itu. yaampun katanya itu dia berangkat jam stengah 8 loh! bayangin... trus kita latihan deh, tapi... yang masih semangat+genjot cuma ica doang wakaka udah pada capek sih wajar la~ akhirnya itu latihan terakhir kita hari ini, padahal si ica ngajakin lagi tuh wkwk sabar ya ca. nah udah tuh jam 11an. marsya ngajakin ketemuan di mcd sama bella dll.

trus gue ke mcd deh. tapi udah nyampe mcd... rame bgt ternyata lagi ada acara anak tk. dan gue cari2 marsya dll pada gaada, gue telpon marsya, ternyata pada lagi di food court CM. hmm mumpung di mcd, gue beli mc flurry aja dulu deh, lagian lumayan jauh kan jalan dari mcd ke CM, mana lagi panas bgt kan. udah tuh gue ngantri. depan gue cuma 1 tapi lama gitu mbanya ah sebel. trus ada ya ibu2 ngentri di samping dia gitudeh dih dih gue bilang aja 'bu, ngantrinya di belakang ya'. mana gue gangerti tiba2 ada pembantu gitu udah mesen duluan lagi zzz. itu tapi gue udah di paling depan padahal-_- pas lagi nunggu eh ada ibu2 yg tadi ngobrol2 kan sama ibu2 yang di antrean sebelah, eh tibatiba ngantri di samping gue coba! WTF. gue giniin lagi 'bu, ngantrinya di belakang ya' 'iya dek abis capek berdiri terus' heeeh. yagitudeh ibu2 yang dari acara anak tk itu pada begitu semua! bayangin gimana rusuhnya antrean mcd itu! bayangin!!! *lebay yaudah akhirnya gue berhasil beli 1 mc flurry m&m. yey! oke, 1 mc flurry butuh kesabaran tingkat tinggi.

abis itu gue caw ke fc. nah di situ udah ada marsya, bella, tya, putu, rizka sama tia. trus ga lama kita ke rumah rizka deh di cilobak. eh iya tapi kita beli dvd dulu di lantai atas. trus bella digonceng putu naik motor, trus mereka ke kherby dulu beliin puding.
sampe rumah rizka, kita nonton harry potter 7 deh~ padahal gue udah nonton. tapi gapapa deh. trus nonton A-Team juga. ah sayang, padahal gue sama putu ngajakin nonton film horror tuh kan seru, tapi kasian si marsya ketakutan dia hahaha. oiya di rumah rizka, kita, selain putu, makan spageti kan. itutuh enak gitu spagetinyaaa. gue, marsya, bella nambah lagi de~ padahal sebelum makan spageti tuh gue udah ngerasa kenyang tapi mulut berkata lain :p udah deeeh kita pulang jam 5an. biasaa, si putu sama bella naik motor, gue tya marsya tia jalan sampe depan. trus pada naik 105 yg ke 85, gue langsung pulang deh. babay~

besok gue ada latian saman, bareng kelas 11 juga. wish me luck ya! oiya, ternyata marsya juga ikut lomba anjungan loh, samasama jadi center lagi! hoho mudah2an aja nomer urutnya deketan jadi bisa tonton2an :D

Selasa, 14 Desember 2010

Semenanjung Exhibition

Last saturday there was an event in my school 'SMAN 28 Jakarta'. It was EO Show. You know? Event Organizer is one of our subjects. In that event, there was 10th grade's exhibition and 12th grade's fashion show. Me, and my class as 10th grade present 'SEMENANJUNG' (senang-senang di kelas paling ujung). That name was made by Donna. So, let's see some photos of our events!

and this is some photos of me

Sabtu, 04 Desember 2010

Bruno Mars - Just The Way You Are (Lyric)

Oh her eyes, her eyes
Make the stars look like they're not shining
Her hair, her hair
Falls perfectly without her trying
She's so beautiful
And I tell her every day

Yeah I know, I know
When I compliment her
She wont believe me
And its so, its so
Sad to think she don't see what I see
But every time she asks me do I look okay
I say

When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you're amazing
Just the way you are

Her nails, her nails
I could kiss them all day if she'd let me
Her laugh, her laugh
She hates but I think its so sexy
She's so beautiful
And I tell her every day

Oh you know, you know, you know
Id never ask you to change
If perfect is what you're searching for
Then just stay the same
So don't even bother asking
If you look okay
You know I say

When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you're amazing
Just the way you are

The way you are
The way you are
Girl you're amazing
Just the way you are

When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are
And when you smile,
The whole world stops and stares for awhile
Cause girl you're amazing
Just the way you are

Minggu, 28 November 2010


how to makes myself have spirit and happiness for going to school tomorrow? gaaah lazy!!!!!! I don't like the first subject and the second and the third and the last (for the last I usually like that subject but tomorrow I afraid to know my score)

the 1st is chemistry. that is take about 2 hours! with bu suparmi! gosh........
the 2nd is bahasa Indonesia. like chemistry, I don't really don't like the subject, but the teacher.
the 3rd is BK. hmm this subject is not important I think.
the last is math. I used to like this subject in the ES and JHS, really do like. but now I think it's more difficult. and I'm afraid of my second formative test score. :(

and I guess I have no reason to go to school except my sucks obligation like studying at school. uh! I just remember that there will be a briefing for UK tomorrow. and you know what? I don't have taken photos with my seniors! and only me remaining! see how selfish my group?